This week…

This week was busy! We had to move things around in our house to prepare for the insulation people to come and put insulation in our house. This may sound simple, but think if you will, if you had to move EVERYTHING that was on any exterior wall to your house. If you have a … [Read more…]

Mmm sweet! Eww cheese! Mmm cheese! Eww sweet!

I meant to tell this story yesterday but forgot. So here it is. When Tony and I were first dating, or maybe we were engaged… it happened so quickly it is more or less one in the same. Anyway, we went to an I-Hop for breakfast. I ordered blintzes. I love blintzes and encouraged Tony … [Read more…]

I have finally got…

remission status!!! YAY! I am finally in remission and now I only have to have scans every 3 months for the first year. When those are all clear then I will go on to every 4 months for the second year, and the third year I hope to be pregnant again so I will get … [Read more…]

Max and his litteral world…

Well I wanted to post photos the next time I posted something but sadly I am now having trouble with my little netbook computer so I have to use the big computer now, while my little computer is being sent away to get fixed. So unless I start getting adventurous, no photo’s for a while. … [Read more…]

Just call me NEOD.

I am NEOD (No evidence of original cancer) at least by my CT scan. YAY!!!!! This is a step up from NEC (No evidence of cancer) which shouldn’t be confused with the illness that babies get in the NICU. I got that back in at the end of April. However this isn’t as good as … [Read more…]