
Max today went outside. He loves it out there. Always has, even when only a few week gestation. I remember when I was pregnant with him, I would have to stick my head out the window for the fresh air to make it so my morning sickness wouldn’t be as bad. Anyway, today he was … [Read more…]


This is Max as he was eating his desert today at a Chinese buffet. As you can see he got it all over him to a certain extent. However he had fun and that is what is important. Jennifer


Long time followers of this blog know that we like to take the train, and have actually taken a cross country train trip when Max was about 9-10 months old. However because of Larry, train travel has become a luxury that I couldn’t partake in. Well today that ended. We were finally able to take the train … [Read more…]

Day 83 of 365

Okay this wasn’t taken with our camera, but it was taken today. My mom took this photo today from her phone. It is such a great photo that it had to be our photo of the day. Didn’t try garlic yet today. Will try to do that tomorrow.Jennifer