
Long time followers of this blog know that we like to take the train, and have actually taken a cross country train trip when Max was about 9-10 months old. However because of Larry, train travel has become a luxury that I couldn’t partake in. Well today that ended. We were finally able to take the train and go into the big city.

Max LOVED it! He thought it was great! He also did surprisingly well in the city when we got there. We walked from 34th street to Columbus Circle (56th street). Then we went over to FAO on the other corner of central park. Max walked all of it! We then left there and walked down to about 53 street before we decided we needed a taxi to get back down to 34th street. Max did great through it all and LOVED being back on the train again to go home.

We will be taking another train trip in May and I think he will absolutely love it!