CSA and other things…

Okay sorry for no photographs today but I thought I should update. From the CSA this week we got:4 lbs of onions2 lbs of potatoes2 tomatoes1/2 lbs of chard1 eggplant1 big bunch of basil1 head of garlic2 summer squashes1 watermelon – which I had a farmer take to the car for me as I was … [Read more…]

Forgot to reply to a comment…

Rachell – Your comment on my blog brought tears to my eyes! Which isn’t that uncommon because of all the hormones I am on. I am crying all the time now! However I am still on message boards. I can be found on www.diaperswappers.com (a cloth diapering site that has TTC boards as well… yeah … [Read more…]

Transferred Baby I photo!

Here is Baby I before being frozen. And here is baby I before he/she was put back in me after being defrosted. He/she I guess collapses when frozen so that is why he/she looks a bit different. Okay back to resting for me… even though they said it wasn’t needed today.

Update 3

I am now resting at home. Max has been understanding for the most part. So that is good. Tony made dinner tonight. I am not to lift anything heavier then Max at birth (about 8 lbs) and that includes pushing a grocery cart. So that should make things interesting I am also starting my “don’t … [Read more…]