CSA and other things…

Okay sorry for no photographs today but I thought I should update.

From the CSA this week we got:
4 lbs of onions
2 lbs of potatoes
2 tomatoes
1/2 lbs of chard
1 eggplant
1 big bunch of basil
1 head of garlic
2 summer squashes
1 watermelon – which I had a farmer take to the car for me as I was afraid to lift it.

I didn’t get any of the pick your own stuff, so tomorrow we will go and get that as a family.

I am feeling fairly well. I can’t move around very well from the injections every night. So every time I sit down I am in pain, or when I get up I am also in pain. I feel like I am walking like I am about 9 months pregnant too! Funny, I don’t remember any of this from Max. It is amazing what you forget!

This wait is killing me. I really wish someone would hit me over the head with a baseball bat until next Friday. I will deal with it regardless of the result, but limbo and me are not friends. I did think I felt something that could be something like implantation yesterday. That is about right for the baby so we will have to see. It didn’t feel the same as it did with Max however every pregnancy is different.

I can’t lift anything heavier then a gallon of milk (or water). Which according to Siri is about 8.6 lbs. So that has been a bit of a challenge. I also can’t push a grocery cart or anything. So I find myself second guessing everything I pick up. They told me this would last at least until beta. Last time I couldn’t lift anything over 10 lbs so it has went down in 4 years. I stuck to that till I could feel Max kick regularly.

Max has been doing fairly well with me like I am. He said something funny last night. I rubbed my belly and said “baby are you in there?” and Max said “No I am right here!!” He has been helping me as much as he can and loves to feel like he is helping. When we ask him if I am going to have a baby he says “yes” and he thinks it will be a girl.

This weekend we have a potluck to go to and that is probably about it. Tony does want to stain the playset, and we need to make peach BBQ sauce but that will be it. See how weekends get busy??