Different website for storm information on us…

http://readynj.posterous.com This seems to be giving up to date second by second nearly information. I am using it to figure out what is going on in the state. The Weather Channel is saying that this storm will not be making landfall till late Monday but that it will be close to us through Wednesday afternoon … [Read more…]

Storm prep…

Well I have taken a TON of photographs but most of them are for insurance purposes. Last night we did go grocery shopping to Whole Foods but there was barely anyone there at 8 pm when we went. It was a bit of a shock to me. Today we went and did our conversion class, … [Read more…]

Julia Child

I am still waiting here and Max is asleep. So I remembered that I was going to talk about this book today! My mom got me this book for my birthday this year. I got it last night. Anyone that has never picked up this book really should! I challenge you to find a better … [Read more…]

Hunkering down… sort of…

As you can see I gave the blog a new look. This was partially because I have been waiting ALL DAY for my meds shipment today. They will not leave it without a signature. So I have been like a puppy left behind all day today looking at the window for the Wells Fargo Wagon … [Read more…]

Anyone need a ladder?

These photos were taken last Friday but I thought Max looked cute and I hadn’t posted them yet so here they are!  I saw this van over the weekend. I can’t for the life of me figure out why someone would need that many ladders and I also wonder if the van sways when it … [Read more…]