Flylady Baby Step #12

Today we are getting rid of digital clutter! Okay this is one I am VERY guilty of! I have tons and tons and tons of digital clutter. However when you are a Flylady, you don’t. So if you want to start getting rid of your digital clutter, set the timer for 15 minutes and see … [Read more…]

Flylady Baby Step #11

Today we are going to create a page for our control journal that has uplifting thoughts on it. This could be anything from scripture verses to inspirational sayings to anything else. If you need ideas just do a search for “inspirational quotes”. I can normally find something when I do that. This is just a … [Read more…]

Warm Water Illness…

Sorry for not posting yesterday. An illness came through the house like a tornado! Nathaniel had a fever on Monday night and it got worse yesterday. Today I took them to the doctor, Max is getting better but Nathaniel sounded like he was on the upswing. So now they are on something that should help. … [Read more…]

Flylady Baby Step #10

Today we are going to set the timer for 15 minutes and go around the house finding trash. Find as much as you can in 15 minutes. When that is done, sit down, put your feet up and set the timer for 15 minutes for a job well done! Today it seems like a fairly … [Read more…]

Having fun…

I thought I would post about the last couple of days on here. Here is Nathaniel playing. His hair was wild and there was nothing I could do about it. It was the weather more then anything. Secondly, we have completed our 4th and final step in implementing Accountable Kids program. Because of this we … [Read more…]