Nathaniel the adventurer

I was looking at the blog today and I saw an old post from right before I had Nathaniel. I was talking about how I was talking to Max about what he thought Nathaniel would be like. He replied that Nathaniel would help him climb trees. I took it to be that Nathaniel would be … [Read more…]

Flylady Baby Step #21

Today we are figuring out why we are procrastinating if we are. We are also making sure we have our routines down. I also want to throw in here that if you have a bad day or even a bad week, that doesn’t mean that you throw in the towel and don’t do this anymore. … [Read more…]

A little country…

Caution politics is mentioned in this post. Today my heart and mind was with the people who marched for life in DC and elsewhere. Those events are always inspiring. I just wish the media would report them. Instead CNN talked about a march that didn’t even occur today and ignored (typical) the March for Life. … [Read more…]

Flylady Baby Step #20

Today we are going to include laundry in our routines! This is very simple you can either start a load at night, dry it first thing in the morning and put it away. Or you can start your laundry in the morning, dry it in the afternoon and put it away at night. Personally I … [Read more…]

Flylady Baby Step #19

Today is about seeing other’s success stories and getting motivation to make sure we are doing well. This can be achieved if you go to this link: Are you more of a visual person? Diane in Denmark says it so well!