Reformation day meal…

I completely forgot to photograph the meal from last night. I am sorry. We will have it again tonight though so that should be good. It was really good to the point that Tony said that if he knew he would be getting German food every reformation day, he would have converted a LONG time … [Read more…]

Gas shortages…

Well we went to the farm today. We had to pick raspberries and it was COLD!! Then we went to the barn and we got 2 boxes of food as they couldn’t deliver their box shares this week. So that was great for us, Max didn’t even need to get out of the car! The … [Read more…]

Our power outage…

Well that was fun! No not really. Yesterday we took 2 drives. The first one we wanted to see who else was out of power and we did this at daytime. So of coarse about the only thing we could see was signal lights. We did see that the mall was without power and quite … [Read more…]