At the emergency room…
With Max this time. He swallowed something that he shouldn’t have. Ironically I was on the phone with our health insurance at the time.
With Max this time. He swallowed something that he shouldn’t have. Ironically I was on the phone with our health insurance at the time.
Okay Nathaniel’s stats for today:9 lbs 6.5 oz (itty bitty)60 cm long (in normal range)39.5 cm head circumference (in normal range) Yesterday I decided that I would try to stuff Nathaniel. So I fed him a 2 oz bottle shortly before bedtime. My thought was that he normally nurses to go to sleep, so it … [Read more…]
Friday we had some serious rain. The puddles even had wakes! The boys and I had went to our favorite ice cream place, and while we were in there the skies opened up. 2-3 hours later, after a very brief time to get Nathaniel’s seat in, this is his carseat base. The seat was soaked … [Read more…]
No tears in this video. And yes I call Nathaniel my “pookie”. Notice Nathaniel’s spiffy new wool pants! I love these bath shots taken today.
Okay his measurements are on the small side for 12 weeks but hey, we knew that. He is 9 lbs 2 oz today. Not great but not bad either. He is gaining. Length I am not sure of. I took it today but I think I need to take it without the diaper so I … [Read more…]