Nathaniel at 13 weeks…

Okay Nathaniel’s stats for today:
9 lbs 6.5 oz (itty bitty)
60 cm long (in normal range)
39.5 cm head circumference (in normal range)

Yesterday I decided that I would try to stuff Nathaniel. So I fed him a 2 oz bottle shortly before bedtime. My thought was that he normally nurses to go to sleep, so it wouldn’t effect my milk supply. However my plan backfired on me when Nathaniel pooed right before bed (he needed to do that) and he didn’t wake up for his 1 am feeding like he normally does. So he was only up half an ounce from yesterday. I am starting to think that Nathaniel is just growing how he wants and isn’t going to conform to what other people think he should. And in that case I must say I am a proud mom!

Now for some housekeeping issues. I am researching moving the blog to another server and format. This really isn’t that big of a deal for you. But if you go here one day and it is down, don’t panic. It will only be down for about 3 business days (if that). I probably will not do this till closer to Thanksgiving/Christmas time either.  I am doing this to make it easier for me to update the blog.