One scan down, 6 more to go!

Okay what my last cryptic message said was basically that I am cancer free still. YAY!! This was my hardest hurdle to get across as the closer I am to treatment the more likely my cancer would come back. Everything looked good so it should remain that way from here on out! YAY!

I will be going in for a CT scan on Feb. 10, with the results on February 16. Tony’s birthday is on the 25 of February, and I told him I have taken over this next February. He can’t have it. It is my month. As it seems that month is going to revolve around me this year. I will be getting a new cell phone that month as well (a delayed birthday present for me).

I also got clearance to start on my vitamin regiment again. Those of you that have been with us since the days of little Emily, may remember that my doctor who has our embryos requires me to do this or that to get pregnant. I have decided to spread out the this and that as I have time to do so. So my first step is to get on my vitamins. Which I have been cleared to do.

My next steps are:
2) start exercising regularly. My endurance isn’t 100% yet. So I am going to start this either February or May of next year.
3) get on my low carb diet. This will require a bit from me so I will hopefully start this late next year with me taking off for the holidays (you just set yourself up for failure if you don’t give yourself those).
4) Get clearance from all of my doctors. This may sound easy but I am sure when I am going through it it will feel like Mt. Everest. I have to go through my oncologist, my RE who I am working with that deals with oncology, my perinatologist who will be in charge of the pregnancy, a cardiologist, and my RE who currently has my embryos. My hope is to start this April 2012.
5) Have said transfer and get pregnant. I will have to have a scan before the transfer so I am aiming for Aug. 2012. So we will see.
6) Have great pregnancy that gets me to term. This may sound easy but it isn’t as we have all seen with me. I will also have to be doing research into potential breast milk donation as once I give birth I will need to have a scan before I leave the hospital. This will require some pumping and dumping. While I am pregnant I will likely be meeting with my perinatologist and my oncologist often to make sure everything is okay.
7) Take home another well baby. My truly miracle child!

As you can see step 4 starts in 2012 and step 7 will not be till 2013. So I really do have long range plans. However I know I can do them and I will be documenting on here all of my ups and downs along the way.

In the meanwhile we are enjoying Max and Fenway and we hope to have a fun year next year with building things and playing and such.

Talk to you later!


  1. Katrina

    I admire your planning and patience. As far off as it seems I bet it will be here in a flash. I also think babies benefit when they have a few years between them. (planned or not) Mine are 11, 6, and 4 months. Plenty of time to appreciate enjoying each of their milestones separately. Good Luck and stick to it 🙂

  2. Anonymous

    Yay for the clean scan! It is always better to have a plan, I know it sure keeps me on track and focused. My older 2 children are 2yrs 3 mos apart, but my middle and youngest are 5 yrs. It is really a pretty good age gap at 9 and 4 now they love LOVE playing together and get along much better than my 11 and 9 year old ever have.


  3. Anonymous

    I’m so happy for you and your family Jennifer! And, I love your long range planning. I’m sort of like that too. I can change as I go but I like a PLAN! It will be fun to follow along as your plan unfolds.

    Take care, Rowena

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