Max and more…

Well Max had his 18 month well visit yesterday. He, as one of his grandfather calls him, is a moose!

He is 2 foot 10.65 inches (0.88 m) tall or 96.34 percentile.
31 pounds 11.8 ounces (14.396 kg) or 96.85 percentile.
with a head circumference of 19.49 inches (49.5 cm) or 89.91 percentile.

He is trending upwards with his weight though. So that isn’t good. However he started this trend when he was being breastfed so I know part of it is just him. However when I get better we are really going to have to focus on eating better. Which honestly I am looking forward to! Eating without fresh fruit or veggies is getting to me.

Tony built part of the fence that we need to keep Max and eventually a dog in our back yard. It looks really nice but it isn’t finished yet so I will take photos after it is completed. He just needs to build the gate and hang it. Hopefully it will be nice this weekend so that can be done.
Tomorrow we going to the radiation oncologist. That should be interesting.
Other then that Max and I have been keeping busy doing different things. I am working on sewing when I have a chance… which isn’t that often.
Here are some photos of Max that were taken recently:
Max decided to play in the dirt one day… He had LOTS of fun!

Yesterday Max decided to have fun with bread. He found half a loaf of bread on the counter and next thing I knew he was playing and eating it off the floor. EWW!!!  But at least he had fun. Ha ha!

Talk to you tomorrow!


One Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Still praying for you and your family, thanks for posting the cutest pics of Max, what a sweetie!

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