Max today!

Hello Everyone!

This week has been VERY busy for us. I feel like I have been running everyday!

Anyway Max is doing well. Yesterday we went to get his passport photo and although he is usually a very happy baby, at the time of the photo was being taken he wasn’t. So his passport photo looks like he is scared. Which honestly is probably good since that is how he will be going through customs! Ha ha!

I have lots of photos so lets get to it!

These (including the videos) were taken last night. This is the shirt that Max wore for his passport photo.

Well that is all I have for now!


  1. Anonymous

    Hi Jennifer,

    We were camping at the beach last week so I was not able to check in on the latest with Max. I love these new pictures. He is REALLY a cute baby!

    Hope all is going well with you this week.


    PS Padres did okay while in Philadelphia!

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