Photo’s of Max

Max on September 30th.

Max on October 1st


  1. Oh my! Baby Max is SOOOOO beautiful!!!!!!!

    I have happy tears! Can’t wait to see a picture of Baby Max WITH mommy and daddy! (hint! hint!)


  2. What a blessing!! He is so beautiful. Give him a big smooch for me and tell him his great auntie loves him very much.


  3. He is absolutely precious and I am so happy that you are able to bring him home sooner than you thought. I have followed your story since the triplets and have been praying for the safe arrival of your little Max.

  4. What a cute little baby boy you have there. Congratulations! I am so glad he is doing so well also and ready to come home. I know you will enjoy him so much.

  5. Anonymous

    Oh, Max! What a beautiful boy you are. Everybody has been waiting for you and praying for you. Such a little boy to have such good friends from all over the world! We are so happy you are home with Mommy and Daddy just like you are supposed to be. You’ll never know how much we all love you.

    Grandma Marianna

  6. Debby

    What a beautiful little guy!!
    So glad that things cleared up and that he will be home soon.
    Keeping you in my prayers…

  7. I have been following your story for almost two years now. I feel I must say that Max is absolutely a beautiful little boy. Congratulations!!!!

    Stephanie Hinkle
    Basehor, Kansas

  8. Congratulations on beautiful baby Max! I know it has been a rollercoaster the last several days, but soon he will be home with you. Lots of people are praying for you!

  9. beth

    Max is SO cute!!! I’m so happy for you guys and I know you can’t wait to take him home. we are thinking of you here in your old home of Cambridge, MA

    Beth, markus, Florian and michela

  10. Melissa Q

    omg….he is beautiful….looks very content….congratulations on your little man….I am glad to hear that he is doing much better as well.

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