
When I was a child I used to LOVE Christmas. All the excitement, the decorations, everything! It was all so magical! I continued to love Christmas when I became an adult and when I married Tony I vowed that our children would get the over the top Christmas every year! Then we had the triplets. … [Read more…]


I have been wanting to get on here and write more about what is happening now with us for days. Since my step father’s stroke, we really have lost our stride in many ways. The ticket system is still working, but everything else has been up in the air. I think that my recent allergy … [Read more…]

New program that helps control our chaos.

Okay I admit that I have tried things in the past. We were using Accountable Kids and it was working great, then Nathaniel was born and I realized that Max needed something a bit more. I was also having issues with keeping Max wanting to do school work. And when he was doing it, it … [Read more…]