16 weeks, 6 days

Hello, Pictured are Jennifer, along with Christopher, Alexander and Emily as of 16 weeks, 3 days. As you can see, Jenn is definitely showing! The doctor says that she’s the size of a third trimester pregnancy now. She’s a little freaked out because theoretically she’s supposed to gain ~24 lbs. by 20 weeks, and she’s … [Read more…]

16 weeks 4 or 5 days

Hello everyone! I wanted to let you know how our appointment went yesterday. We are all doing well. My body is holding up well, and the babies are doing their thing inside me. My cervix only shortened by 4 mm (we are told this is normal) and I gained 8 pounds since my last doctor … [Read more…]

15 weeks 2-3 days

Hello, I have decided to post more since I am feeling better and I plan on using this to doctument my pregnancy. Yesterday, I think I felt baby C kick me in the rib. I was sitting at the computer and typing. I don’t know what else it could have been if it were not … [Read more…]

My belly at 14 weeks 5 days

Hello Everyone! It has taken me some time to do this but here I am. I wanted to find an outfit that I could wear for a “before” and “after.” Unfortunately I am the one normally taking pictures in this family so there are very few of me!! The “before” picture (Tony and I together) … [Read more…]

Hello it is Jennifer talking this time!

Hello, I thought I would post a message on here since I haven’t done so in a while. As you can see we posted pictures of the babies yesterday. I thought I would also give some other information since people have commented that it took us a long time to post between pictures. I have … [Read more…]