Start of IVF attempt #3, IVF #2…

Well I am finally on a cycle again! I can’t tell you how happy I was to see that come this morning. Last Friday I took a home pregnancy test just to see if the HCG was out of my system. That is the hormone that pregnant people produce. Well to my shock the test … [Read more…]

Hello Everyone,

I don’t have much to report today but thought I would post a message anyway. I hope those of you that are in Southern Califorina are alright. I talked to my grandmother yesterday and she assured me that all of my family is (my grandmother doesn’t live down there but she is command centeral for … [Read more…]

Loss and other things…

Hello everyone! I took these pictures on Tuesday morning and not on Monday. My camera ran out of batteries and all the batteries in the house were out of power. Oh well you can now see how early I wake up! The window even faces south! Anyway you can see the candles that I will … [Read more…]

October 15th…

I don’t know if I remember hearing about this last year, though under the circumstances I could see why, but October 15 is national pregnancy and infant loss day. It is asked that at 7PM in all time zones that people light a candle for an hour in remberance. This way a “wave of light” … [Read more…]

To answer a question…

I don’t think we will be doing anything more on my birthday. For me it will always be a bittersweet day. Emily was extubated on my birthday last year. While this was the best birthday present I could ever have, it now is sad because we don’t have our little girl anymore. Also before I … [Read more…]