4 weeks 1 day… I think.

Well I have had a bit of time to digest all of this. I am feeling like I am starting to get queasy and yesterday I didn’t take a nap and it was a HUGE mistake. I went to sleep at 7pm and ended up waking up at 2:30. Today I have had 2 naps … [Read more…]

My result…

My beta number came in and it is 1014. (Can you tell I am in a bit of shock?) I am 14 days past a 5 day transfer. My RE considers conception date as transfer date so that would mean that I will have a due date of 10/14/08. My progesterone level is 285. I … [Read more…]

Hello Everyone…

Well I have been hounded by just about everyone I know that I haven’t posted to this blog in over a week. Just so you know, there was nothing to report. Today is my beta blood pregnancy test. Sure I had a blood test last Friday but I didn’t find out the results of that. … [Read more…]


I don’t have a bunch to write about but I thought I would post something in case I don’t get a call from my RE tomorrow (I am assuming I will not). I am feeling alright. I am tired all the time and today is the first day I am not overtly trying to be … [Read more…]


This is our little over achiever. It is the 5AA baby that was transferred. This quite possibly could be an overachiever once born but we will never know. This is baby that was grade 5BA that was transferred. Frozen Embryo’s I will get the qualities on all of these next time I go in or … [Read more…]