Day 164

Hello! Well Max did well at the dinner last night. He did get fussy but that was because it was his bedtime and that is what he does. Finally he did give up and fall asleep though… unfortunately it was our time to go home though. So he slept all the way home and then … [Read more…]

Max… the weekend edition

Well today it was downright balmy. Well maybe not balmy but close to it. It was at least 70 degrees today and I would guess 75 if I were to guess. So because we have been cooped up in the house nearly the whole time since we got this house we decided to go for … [Read more…]

Yeah I am awake… sort of…

Well last night Max was up almost every hour. I don’t have a picture of my blood shot eyes but trust me they are there! I put him down at 7:30ish. I remember being up with him sometime during the 8 o’clock hour, 10 o’clock hour, 11 o’clock hour, 12 o’clock hour, 1 o’clock hour, … [Read more…]


Okay I am bad. I didn’t take any pictures of Max today. We did finally make it out though so at least I have a good excuse. We went to the grocery store today and I didn’t put Max in the carrier. I put him in the cart with the cart cover that I made … [Read more…]

5 months 6 days…

Well Max is on my lap as I type this out. So I will keep it short. I can now feel one tooth of Max’s but I can’t see it yet. It is so nice to finally be able to feel what we saw on x-ray 5 months ago. Max and I have been having … [Read more…]