Well that was something

I really didn’t think that I had that much going on this week then I looked back through my photos and found some interesting ones and realized that nothing is sometimes a good thing. I started this week not feeling great. However now on Friday I am fine. I attribute this to my supplements I … [Read more…]

We are here!!

Well last week I had my phone die on me. So I needed to get a new one. It was under warranty so it was basically a refurbished old one. I want the new iPhone when it comes out next year. So that is our plan. Anyway because of that we have very few photos … [Read more…]

This week in our house…

We had a rather normal uneventful week. We started out wanting to watch the rocket take off from Virginia. They said we would be able to see it from New Jersey (they said even Boston!). So we went outside to look for it. Here is what we saw: If you look really closely you might … [Read more…]

Our life this week…

Nathaniel swimming. Before you watch it please be aware that yes I know he is under the water for a bit swimming. I talked to his instructor and Nathaniel is the opposite of Max. He likes to be more underwater. When they are practicing Nathaniel does lift his head up, but when he does it … [Read more…]


I have some interesting photos and video but I am not on my phone right now. One day everything will run smoothly… I hope. So what have we been up to. Well first off I have been trying to learn german in the hope that I can help Max with his schoolwork. So far it … [Read more…]