Ice Storm!!

We got a lovely ice storm last night. I tried to take a picture of all the icicles. Tony is working from home today and Max’s music class was canceled yet again. It has been going on for 4 weeks and so far we have had only one class!   Photo of the day I forgot … [Read more…]

Day 32 of 365

Today I did some sewing and I sewed Max some “Max-kins” or napkins. I really just wanted to figure out how to work my serger a bit better. That it did and I like the result. Tomorrow I will run them through the wash and he should be able to use them tomorrow night. I … [Read more…]

This, that and the other thing…

Today is an assortment of photos.  We start with the photo of the day. Taken walking from the car to the church this morning.   This was on top of the church. The snow seemed to fold, which I thought was interesting.   A tree outside the church.  Icicles hanging off a church garage.  Same garage different … [Read more…]

Snow and Max… but not together.

Today we did the rest of the shopping that we couldn’t do yesterday. So it wasn’t a great day for photos but I got some good ones. I am still in awe over the snow. I was waiting for Tony to come back after picking up Fenway at the vet and I saw this. Thought … [Read more…]