Flylady Baby Step #3…

Day 3 is confusing as there are several things you can do. Explore the Flylady website. Put up post it notes to remind yourself to clean your sink every night. Just remember to keep your sink clean every night. The reason why it is like this is simple. They want you you to develop … [Read more…]

Flylady Baby Step #2

Today we need to dress to shoes! Now this is something I actually don’t do. I dress to slippers. The reason for this is we don’t have an office right now. So whenever I need to get on the computer I am either standing, or sitting on my bed. Having slippers makes it easier to … [Read more…]


Today was about preparing for the week. Well actually preparing for more then this week. I actually lesson planned for 3 weeks for Max. This took me over 3 hours. I wish I was joking! I guess I must be doing something right if it took me that long. At the end of the day, … [Read more…]

Flylady Baby Step #1

Today we are going to shine our kitchen sink. This seams simple and you may be thinking “hey I have a house that belongs on an episode of hoarders! How is a clean sink going to help me with THAT?” The point of doing this is to create a clean spot in your house that … [Read more…]

Happy New Years… almost!

Well today we spent cleaning. I am tell you, with all the cleaning we have done, our house is going to sparkle! Actually when I say cleaning, I mean organizing. Nathaniel has a train collection that is starting to eat other toys! So we had to control it. With everything that we are cleaning/organizing we … [Read more…]