
I would love to say something like Tony whisked me and the kids away on some spur of the moment trip to some place cool like Germany or Figi (not that I really want him to do this, don’t get ideas Tony!) but sadly I got the flu bug that was hitting us all. Started … [Read more…]

Flylady Baby Step #17

Today we are going to set a bedtime and stick to it! I know that this can be next to impossible. With young children I am really one to talk, however I can see how this would be beneficial. We do need our rest so this would be good. Are you more of a visual … [Read more…]

Flylady Baby Step #16

Well we are half way done! Are you doing well? Do you feel like this is helping? Today we are going to read Flylady emails. If the thought of getting emails from Flylady doesn’t appeal to you, then just keep up the good work. The important thing is you are doing this for you! So … [Read more…]

Flylady Baby Step #15

Today’s task is a very easy one. When we get up in the morning we are going to make our bed. This may be something you do anyway, so this is an exceptionally easy one for you. However if you are how I was, now is the time to make your bed. Here is Diane … [Read more…]

Shiny things…

Today both boys were able to attend their German school. YAY!! I wasn’t sure about Nathaniel but in the end, I thought it was time. Sadly Tony and I are not doing that well. I am okay as long as I am on Advil but when I am not on it, I feel AWFUL. Tony … [Read more…]