Oops! I forgot a photo today
It is COLD. Max was being 4 for most of the morning. A pie was dropped on the floor this evening. I think in this case this paints a better picture then anything I could capture with a camera.
It is COLD. Max was being 4 for most of the morning. A pie was dropped on the floor this evening. I think in this case this paints a better picture then anything I could capture with a camera.
It wasn’t much but for Max it was enough! Too bad I don’t have the energy to go out there and play with him. We may get more this Friday.
I know. I forgot to post over the weekend. I was actually feeling somewhat normal this weekend so I was enjoying it. Today Max and I did school work. Which is great because I feel really behind. I want to finish this year before the baby is born. Here is Max reading: I wanted to … [Read more…]
I am saying that I am 36 inches but I may not have changed much since last week. I feel bigger but maybe that is just me. Max went to the dentist today so we got to see how tall he is. Looks like he is a bit over 3 foot 10 inches! So he … [Read more…]