
Max has said some strange things the last few days so I thought I would post them today. 1. He was looking behind my back when at a doctor’s office and said he was “hunting for rabbits”. Odd as I don’t think he has ever seen loony toons! 2. Yesterday we were doing schoolwork and … [Read more…]

Happy Flag day!!

 Today is Flag Day. It also happens to be the day that my biological parents got married in 1975. Now I know that most children of divorce are not okay with their parents not being together anymore, but I am not one of them. I remember this day as the first day of my creation. … [Read more…]

33 weeks!!! 35 days to go!

Well I found out that when I measure my belly counts! I took this photo this morning and measured myself and I had NO change from last week. I just re-measured myself and I am up to 42.75 inches! So clearly this is subjective! Nathaniel seems to be doing well. I got my first steroid … [Read more…]