The Park

Today we went to the park and took a walk and played. Fenway played in the dog park and Max in the kid park. So that was fun. Tony said that the interview went as well as it could have. They are interviewing someone else in 2 weeks so they will make their decision after … [Read more…]


Today I had playgroup at our house. It was nice but it was also sad. I mean we sort of fixed up the yard not only for ourselves but the hope that one day we would have friends so we could entertain. Now we have all of that and we have to leave! Ugg! Tony’s … [Read more…]

I am leaving on a jet plane…

Well Tony got to San Diego alright. He said it was 69 degrees (shocking, I was expecting warmer) and it is brown on all the mountains that he can see. However he can also see the ocean at times. Makes me wonder if people just like to face the west out there. Ha ha! Oh … [Read more…]

The sign of the deer…

This photo is hard to see but if you look behind the playset and see the brown that is a deer. It was actually quite large and it is eating in this photo. This is the first deer we have seen behind our house. Tony says it is a sign as in our last place, … [Read more…]

Max out like a light!

Max went to sleep early today… on the couch. We thought it was a nap but it is apparent it wasn’t. Hopefully he will not wake at 3 am and want up now. Yikes! Jennifer