That is one clean gutter!

Today we did some stuff around the house in the morning as it was raining then we went out to Walmart because Max said he wanted to go there yesterday. When we got home it was raining then we had dinner and the sun came out so we went for a walk. Now going for … [Read more…]

Day 226 of 365

We have had a fairly boring weekend this weekend. Much of it has been sitting around though Tony did do lawn work yesterday. Today it was raining so we mostly laughed at a neighbor who has had one of those on-demand storage units in their driveway for 2 weeks that decided today is the day … [Read more…]

Maximillian at the park!

I just laugh every time I see that top photo! Great action shot if you ask me. Max had fun at the park and even played with some new friends. It was so nice to see him interacting with other children and running around. Most of the time he just wants to be with me … [Read more…]