
Sorry for no photo today. Today was Tony’s birthday but he had a hard day at work. So we were just sort of ignoring it. Not much else happening. I am trying hard to finish the sewing for Max so I can move onto stuff for Nathaniel. Tomorrow is an OB appointment. I think it … [Read more…]

Tear drop trailer…

 Last night I started dreaming. There is only so much that I can look at baby things before even I go insane… yes my family just dropped their jaws to the floor! I had seen these in the past but didn’t think much about them, but maybe since our camping trip last year, I started … [Read more…]

Oops! I forgot a photo today

It is COLD. Max was being 4 for most of the morning. A pie was dropped on the floor this evening. I think in this case this paints a better picture then anything I could capture with a camera.

I feel I need to explain my prior post…

Okay since I have several family members upset that I don’t have any Beatles or John Lennon music, I thought I would go into the reasons why. John Lennon is easier so I will start there. From what I heard, when John died, his estate was divided 3 ways equally between Julian, Sean and Yoko. … [Read more…]

Forgot to reply to a comment…

Rachell – Your comment on my blog brought tears to my eyes! Which isn’t that uncommon because of all the hormones I am on. I am crying all the time now! However I am still on message boards. I can be found on (a cloth diapering site that has TTC boards as well… yeah … [Read more…]