Janus part 3

I took all of these on the way back home from getting our hair cut. There is at least 2-3 inches of snow on the ground and it didn’t really start snowing here till about 9:45. So assuming 3 inches, it is snowing about 1 inch an hour right now. However it looks more blizzard … [Read more…]

Cooking today…

I thought I would start showing on here some of the wonderful things we are cooking in our house. Here is my first post in that regard. Yesterday I was finally able to get plantains at Aldi (only 0.19 a piece!!) so today I asked Max if he wanted pancakes. Well if you know Max, … [Read more…]

The musings of a 37 year old housewife…

I should have a photo for today and maybe I will by the end of the day, but right now I don’t have one. So instead I thought I would talk about my least favorite topic. Cleaning the house. I hate cleaning. The thought of it makes me have almost a fight or flight response. … [Read more…]

Max skating today…

The weather is MUCH colder so the video is much clearer. However this posed another problem, how to keep from laughing when watching him skate!