Update 1
At clinic in waiting room. Max was dropped off okay. He fell asleep on the way there so he wasn’t happy about walking in but all worked out in the end.
What we have went through since 2006.
At clinic in waiting room. Max was dropped off okay. He fell asleep on the way there so he wasn’t happy about walking in but all worked out in the end.
I will go in for the transfer at 1:45. So this morning I am just doing the few things I can do before I get pregnant. I took a hot shower, possibly the last one I will have until the baby is born because I like to take colder showers until I feel the baby … [Read more…]
On Wednesday, Max had a dentist appointment. I have got in the habit of measuring him when he goes there as they have this wall. Last time you can see here. It looks like he grew 2 inches!! He had no problems and we will see the wall again in January! I thought I would … [Read more…]
I was planning on updating here when I got back today but because I have shocking news, I am typing here sooner rather then later.Today I went to my oncologist for my pre-baby clearance. Everything is fine, I am slightly anemic (not sure why as I had steak last night but oh well) but I … [Read more…]
Last night I was emailing a person that needed to come by the house today and get something from me. I mentioned in my email that I was waiting for my medication delivery today. She met me after the cancer diagnosis let alone me going through IVF so she never saw what is involved in … [Read more…]