Mmm sweet! Eww cheese! Mmm cheese! Eww sweet!

I meant to tell this story yesterday but forgot. So here it is. When Tony and I were first dating, or maybe we were engaged… it happened so quickly it is more or less one in the same. Anyway, we went to an I-Hop for breakfast. I ordered blintzes. I love blintzes and encouraged Tony … [Read more…]

I have finally got…

remission status!!! YAY! I am finally in remission and now I only have to have scans every 3 months for the first year. When those are all clear then I will go on to every 4 months for the second year, and the third year I hope to be pregnant again so I will get … [Read more…]

Max and his litteral world…

Well I wanted to post photos the next time I posted something but sadly I am now having trouble with my little netbook computer so I have to use the big computer now, while my little computer is being sent away to get fixed. So unless I start getting adventurous, no photo’s for a while. … [Read more…]

Just call me NEOD.

I am NEOD (No evidence of original cancer) at least by my CT scan. YAY!!!!! This is a step up from NEC (No evidence of cancer) which shouldn’t be confused with the illness that babies get in the NICU. I got that back in at the end of April. However this isn’t as good as … [Read more…]