Random today…

Tony is going to be building something in the next couple of days (hopefully) and this is one of the pieces to it. I will be posting random photos over the next few days to see if anyone knows what it is. Several family members already know so they can’t guess. Ha ha! This photo … [Read more…]

Our weekend…

We moved Fenway’s area in the office. I decided that Max needed more space then a small 22 pound dog. So here is Fenway in his new area… no he isn’t happy but hey, he is a dog. This is Max playing baseball (T-Ball) on Saturday. It was raining lightly but he had fun. Notice … [Read more…]

Quick note

All is well here. Busy day yesterday but I have some video and photos to share tomorrow. Today I was mostly sewing so maybe this week you will see some of that as well. Will update tomorrow.