IKEA thoughts….

Hello, well today we decided that after we dropped off the boys at German School we would go to IKEA. I have been carrying around a diaper bag as a purse because of foster child A, but he/she (need to be unclear here) was on a visit this morning. So I was carrying around a … [Read more…]


I use many things in my daily life to help me. I also have plans to use others. So today I am going to be talking about that. Yesterday I talked about Flylady. This I believe will turn into another page on this blog. There is a lot to it but it is fully customizable … [Read more…]


Well I thought I should talk about Flylady today. On the surface this sounds absolutely disgusting! I mean, I have visions of “The Fly” and a lady that is half fly half woman! Yikes! However don’t let the name fool you! The process behind it is sound and easy for anyone to implement… provided you … [Read more…]