
Hello, Yes we are expected to be in the path of Irene. We have battened down the hatches outside as much as we could, filled both cars with gas, and have enough food and water to last us for about a week. I have also lowered the temperature in our chest freezer to -10F though I may see if … [Read more…]

Update about today…

I want everyone to know that Tony, Max, Fenway and I didn’t feel the earthquake that hit the east coast today. We went to Williams Sonoma (dreaming about professional knives) then we came back home and got Fenway and took the family on a walk at a local park. At one point we were watching … [Read more…]

Max and Tony’s childhood…

When Tony was young (under 3) he lived in Germany. While there his parents got him Playmobile because it is my understanding is was fairly cheap. Well this became some of Tony’s favorite toys. When we got married, we wanted to start a family right away and one of the things we did to keep … [Read more…]

Screen Door…

This morning Tony installed the screen door in our back door. This door really needs a screen door so that is why we put in a new one. The old one was AWFUL and didn’t work very well. This one is much better. Tony even said that he can’t wait to do the front door … [Read more…]


Today Tony and Max picked the potatoes from our garden. This is what they got. Not bad considering what we planted (4 plants). Tony and I are both in a weird calmness today after the frustrating day yesterday. We decided to focus as much as we could on Max who we both know needed the … [Read more…]