Max and Fenway…

 Max playing at the wrong park today. We went to the wrong park for playgroup. BOY I will never do that again. It was a nightmare to get him back in the car! 5 minutes later though we were on our way, though I am sure people at the park thought I was killing him. … [Read more…]


Max, Tony and Fenway with Max’s cars. We  have been giving Max a Matchbox car for when he has been exceptionally good. It is also an added ensentive to try to get him away from other cars or trucks when we are out and about. So far it has worked well. His latest cars were … [Read more…]


Tomorrow Tony has another interview. I imagine this is his top choice now since we heard that we will not be going to Long Island. So we are hopeful that things will go well for him tomorrow. This position is here in New Jersey. The bank that we drove by today, had a robbery where … [Read more…]