Aussie Bites!

I made these today because I was reminded of them from a message on a message board.  I got the recipe here: The recipe isn’t 100% perfect for our diet. Ideally the oats should be soaked and dried (makes them easier to digest) and I didn’t do that. However it tastes good! Here are … [Read more…]

Max’s fun!

Max was able paint a few times this week. He really enjoys it. He also made an observation when I was cooking eggs this week. He saw the sun shining though the window, over the stove and hitting the wall. Max said that there was “water” on the wall. I tried to explain to him … [Read more…]

Our week in food!

  Okay this isn’t a whole week or even a small bit of it, however this is what I was working on today.  I made cereal the other day with oatmeal, and rye (meal? rolled rye). I decided to keep the grain bit and the nut and fruit bit separated so we can do our … [Read more…]


This is Tony and Max putting the chickens (10) in the freezer that we got today. Shockingly they fit!