Quick answer to a comment…

I was asked what kind of car seat I got for Max. I got him the Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL. It was manufactured after September of 2009 (all the XTSL’s are I believe). This has the higher rear facing limit. Here is a link to the car seat. One of the biggest reasons why I … [Read more…]

Quick post today…

I thought I would have more time today but sadly that isn’t the case. My MRI went well yesterday. I got a CD and a report that I am going to give to the oncologist on Wednesday. From what I have read there is not much new in the report. It says that I have … [Read more…]

Max at 1 year…

Well it is hard for me to believe that my “little guy” is now a year old. In some ways it is hard for me to remember life before him… in other ways it seems like it was just yesterday we were bring him home and trying to figure out what he wanted and when … [Read more…]


Well it has been a while since I had a moment to post photo’s. I got an email last night (and to the person who sent it to me don’t feel bad, I know I had to do this) and it made me feel guilty that I hadn’t updated the blog. I have actually been … [Read more…]