
Here are Nathaniel stats on Thursday: Weight: 8 lbs 13.8 oz – up 2 lbs. and almost 10 oz from birth – 0.1 percentile Height: 1 foot 10.8 inches – about 2 inches from birth – 15.1 percentile Head size 15.4 inches – 22.1 percentile I weighed him this morning and he is 8 lbs … [Read more…]

My pregnancy sewing…

Okay this is the best overview shot I could get in our little bedroom. There is quite a bit to it. Here is what I did: 5 Nathaniel Jumpers 5 Nathaniel shirts 3 Nathaniel gowns 3 long sleeve PJ’s for Max 2 short sleeve PJ’s for Max 1 backpack for Max (complete with a padded … [Read more…]

Video from yesterday today…

Got 4 more diapers ready for snaps. Tony does that part so they snap really well (Tony smashes!). I have to stop now till I can get more thread. I need one more cone of orange, and 4 cones of blue and green. Guess I know where I will be going soon! Ha ha!