24 weeks 6 days

Here is a video of Max kicking me this morning. I am unsure how much you will be able to see but he was active a few minutes ago so I thought I would try. BEFORE VIEWING: I don’t know how much sound is on this video but if you have objections to Glenn Beck … [Read more…]

24 weeks 3 days

Well we made it past the 24 weeks 0 days mark that the triplets were born at. Max is doing great and being active. He loves to move and shake and clearly likes some things better then others. Yesterday he was busy and active most of the day. Today he is resting… I guess he … [Read more…]

23 weeks 0 days….

Hello everyone! Sorry for no picture today. Tony and I have been busy this week and it just hasn’t happened. The OB appointment went well on Tuesday. She asked if I was getting excited to cross the 24 week (when I delivered the triplets) and in all honesty Tony and I are more excited about … [Read more…]

22 weeks 3 days…

Here are our pictures from Atlantic City. Sorry it took me so long to post them. I know that 2 pictures are similar, I will let you decide which one is better. Max is kicking more and stronger now. I have a fun game over the weekend of watching my belly move because of Max’s … [Read more…]

Changes made to the blog…

I just wanted to write a note saying that the ticker I have on the right hand side of the screen is not reflecting Maximillian’s gestation, rather it is refecting when we think that our scheduled c-section will be. So that is a countdown to Max’s birthday. The counter on top is still reflecting Maximillian’s … [Read more…]