Day 2 of vacation…

Well we arrived this afternoon. Max did sleep for about 3 hours in the car today so we had a happy Max when we arrived. We drove about 9.5 hours today. As of this posting NO accidents today by either little creature! YAY! Max NEARLY had one but we were able to stop just in … [Read more…]

Day 1 of vacation…

Well it is day 1 and everyone that is over 3 is exhausted. Ha ha! We left at about 5 am (after waking at 4) and we drove for about 12.5 hours with a 30, 45, 45 and 35 minute break. We also were stuck in a 45 minute traffic jam. The good news is … [Read more…]

Max and cooking…

This is Max earlier today taken from my phone. Just prior to this I had pulled out the eggs as we were making brownies for our trip. I then went to get a bowl. Max standing by the drawer with the cooking implements in it opened the drawer while I was getting the bowl and … [Read more…]

More questions to answer…

I was asked why I am wanting to teach Max Mandarin. We have a few reasons. First, in the family on both sides the only language other then English that anyone speaks is Polish or Mandarin. I don’t see a big need for Polish in the future… maybe I will be wrong. So I think … [Read more…]

How come…

When you go on vacation your schedule gets more busy right before hand? Today I spent the day running around finding things, and researching things, and purchasing things needed for the most basic of trips. I mean I took my son cross country on a train for 3 days a year ago. I should have … [Read more…]