Author: 3 ladybugs
Max has changed over the years to not really liking it when I take his photo. Often the photos you see of him on here are ones that I was able to get after taking about a dozen bad photos. However this photo you can really see him saying in his face how much he … [Read more…]
I think I will sleep on my head…
This is how Max took his nap today. Tony’s Skype interview went well today. It was with a company in Spain and we would have to move there. So I am now obsessively researching that. Oh well, I guess I will be prepared. 🙂 Jennifer
Tony’s perfect animal…
Tony has often said that if God could create a cross between a pig and a chicken, it would be a perfect animal. Of coarse Tony was purely talking about the food we get from both animals. I don’t think he wants to see 300 lbs animals fly, or obese chickens that oink. Today I … [Read more…]
Curly top…
Max had a bath today and his hair came out curly! Today we tried to smooth out some of the walls in the living room. They were rough from us scraping the wall paper that had been painted over several times. I also removed the wall paper boarder in the bathroom. So this means that … [Read more…]