Playing outside!

Tony did as well as he could with his interview today. He then went out to have lunch with an old friend from up there. He did get a phone interview with someone else in Boston for Friday. We will have to see how that goes. Oh and I took the small log away from … [Read more…]

Pregnancy and Child Loss remembrance day

Today is Pregnancy and child loss remembrance day. I am sure if you look back through this blog you will see on October 15 from 2007 on I have lit candles for my children. I have used the same 4 candles every year and this year might be the last of these candles. I might be able … [Read more…]

Such as life…

Today we had playgroup in our house. It was loud but other then that everything went mostly well (I, of coarse, saw all of Max’s flaws but thought all the other children were great). Tony has an 1 hour interview in Boston on Tuesday. He needs to razzle dazzle them in order to get a … [Read more…]