A little explanation…

The last 2 photos were taken from my new I-phone. Yes my cell brick (nearly) that I had is now by the waste side! I love my phone but I was having a HORRIBLE time posting to the blog from it. I mean I had no trouble on the train trip doing it from the brick, so why … [Read more…]

First post today… schooling for Max…

I ordered Calvert Pre-K homeschool curriculum for Max. Here is what is in the box.  Box just opened.  Packing material removed.  Inside the “school box” was pipe cleaners, unit counting blocks (don’t know what else to call those), crayons, a pencil sharpener, a plastic needle, 2 pencils, and watercolor paint with brush.  There are a … [Read more…]

The work of hair….

Today Max and I got a hair cut (among other things). I was surprised on how well Max did considering he hasn’t been a little angel lately! Tony had fun at his first day of work. Got home a bit later then I was expecting but not bad. Max also did well today though clearly … [Read more…]