Got some drywall done…

As you can see we made progress on this side of the kitchen. The walls are just primed now. We have had the plumber and the electrician here for most of the week so our progress has been slow, but all of the important things “behind the walls” has been happening.

This weekend we need to replace 2 pieces of plywood on the floor (water damage, and 2 big holes for sewer in them) and fix the squeak in a third floor board. Then we need to figure out and lay out the tile. We can’t tile right now, but we are getting our appliances on Wednesday (finally going to have a dryer after several months!) so we have to lay out the tile so it looks like we did it in an empty room. πŸ˜‰ That is smart thinking… I hope. πŸ™‚

We have submitted all of our paperwork to the adoption agency. So now they need to write our home study. In the meanwhile we will start looking for children that could work in our family, knowing that they may be taken before we can inquire. The agency wants us to find 20 children!! We are going to be looking throughout the country with a few states off limits because our agency says they don’t work well with them. I have done my usual created a spreadsheet to help with this process and the MANY websites to search through. There really should be a national database but that would be in a more perfect world then I live in.

I thought some might wonder where we are cooking right now. Well here it is.

It isn’t pretty, but it is functional. We are not doing this forever, we are doing this for now until our kitchen is done… sometime in November… we hope though we are anticipating a final completion date of December. I am sure the boys will have fond memories of this time. That is normally the way things go.