Progress on our kitchen

Well we haven’t made a ton of progress but it feels like we are steadily getting there. We did fill the drywall holes in half the kitchen. Yes we know outlets and such will be moving, but we needed to do something so we don’t have a mad rush at the end. So we did fill in the holes. Then we taped and mudded the walls. Then sanded and primed the walls last night. To look at these photos you may not believe that we primed the walls but we did. It is brighter in the kitchen and the soffits of old are all but an awful nightmare. It feels like we are making progress but it is slow. Today it is raining… which is perfect for us as we need to go back and re-mud the walls in areas that are clearly lacking. Then tomorrow we can sand and re-prime. Then we are hoping to move to the floor this weekend. I am not optimistic that we will get even half the floor tiled. My goals are lower then that. They are just to get the closet/cubby/spot where the refrigerator goes, done. Yes we will have to move it when we do the final painting, but we need the refrigerator out of the way so we can do the tiling in the main part of the kitchen in one go.

Well that is about all for now. Max and I got our Covid vaccines yesterday and while Max recovered in a few hours, I feel like I got hit by something heavy. I am sure I will be fine in a day or so but this not having a good immune system is not fun!