Well it has been a while… okay a long while. Far too much for me to update in just a short minute so I am not going to try. I am going to try to write more. It is healthy for me. So while I have no idea if anyone will read this or not, I am going to write. To that end, I will just go right into it.
Last Friday we had our home inspection for Fostering. We passed. This means that my house is probably cleaner then it has ever been last Friday. In an effort to keep it this way, I have decided to try the “Flylady” method. Odd name, but if it works GREAT! Today was my first day of the Flylady’s baby steps. I cleaned the kitchen sink. Now full disclosure, Tony installed a new sink about 2 weeks ago so this wasn’t a very hard thing to do, however I did it. YAY me!
Well at this point my computer didn’t like me and now it is the next day.
Last night I cleaned the sink again. and today I got dressed to shoes. It feels very funny wearing shoes when I will probably not leave the house today, but I am doing it. I might need some more comfortable shoes if I continue this! Old sandals are not working!
Random photos:

Pajamas for fostering. I made them. 😀

Cases for essential oils and diffuser (I made them).

Nathaniel and Max eating for Nathaniel’s birthday.

Eating in Jacksonville, FL

Nathaniel’s birthday in Florida.

Playing on his new scooter!

Both boys on scooters!

There is a hot baby in Florida (we had just cooled him off with water)!

It is so pretty here (Florida)!

Having fun in the water!

We all get tuckered out every now and then.

Playing in the mud at home

Playing at the park

Playing at the park
I will add more later. I am having trouble with connecting today and I have a computer I can update regularly from now… if only I can get it to work!