I really didn’t think that I had that much going on this week then I looked back through my photos and found some interesting ones and realized that nothing is sometimes a good thing.

Max playing soccer, in his soccer class.

Bad photo but Nathaniel painting with paint and syringes (it was doctor day with Mother Goose Time).

How do you make a tooth white? With shaving cream and paint of coarse!

Playing outside together!

I am a mailman!
I started this week not feeling great. However now on Friday I am fine. I attribute this to my supplements I am now taking. So yes, I really believe they work. They are not perfect. But they are better then the alternatives that my doctors were suggesting.
We recently started working on our kitchen to make it more functional. It is working but it isn’t done yet so I am not going to post photos of that, quite yet.
That is all for now!