The boys enjoying painting today.

Nathaniel is so serious when cutting paper!
I was hoping that I could post video of Max from his game over the weekend. He had 2 hits but didn’t reach base either time. Sadly I haven’t been able to blur out our last name on his jersey so I can’t post them.
So instead, or in addition to, we have Nathaniel swimming. 🙂
I also thought I would share my video of my new homeschool planner for Max. I got most of the pages from this site. I know most people would just do something on a computer but I find that I have issues with that. First of all, I am ALWAYS looking for something perfect. Secondly, I make it too complicated. Third, I spend 20-60 minutes doing it being in front of a computer and not in front of my family. Forth, I can only work on it at home, not when I am out and about and get an idea. So you can see that while computers do this amazingly, they are not always practical.
I should also state that I am adding what we eat for dinner in the weekly calendar section. My hope is this way I can see trends in my family and be able to meal plan more effectively, though we do use Emeals.
I recently figured out how to save money on our grocery bill too. I am now doing a BIG grocery trip once a month. With that I get meats, all shelf stable stuff (canned goods, cleaning products, any snacks), and frozen foods. Then every few days I go to the grocery store for the veggies we need. Right now that is working out to about 2-3 times a week. We don’t spend much during the veggie trips. Normally less then $50 but this is saving us from having 2 massive grocery trips every month. Just doing that is enough to more or less cut our grocery bill in half. We are also not throwing out food as much, and everything is fitting in our fridge. Seeing that our fridge has more in common with a dorm fridge then not, you could see my problem. To my shock, we are also not depriving ourselves AT ALL. We are nearly at the end of the month and I am honestly wondering if I need to even get snacks next month! Amazing!