I have been wanting to get on here and write more about what is happening now with us for days. Since my step father’s stroke, we really have lost our stride in many ways. The ticket system is still working, but everything else has been up in the air. I think that my recent allergy to pistachios and potentially cashews threw me for a loop. Then we had a whole bunch of little things that we needed to take care of that have been eating our time.
Simple things like having the van’s oil changed, turned into a 2 day event when I requested that they also rotate the tires. They had lost the “key” to our wheel lock, so I had to go to our the Honda dealer and they graciously gave us a new one. Then we needed to get new tires on the car so it was a mute point to get the old ones rotated. Research followed and next thing I know 2 days are killed on just tires!
I have also been sewing a ton lately. No photos of that today, but I hope to have them next time I post. I have also had a hard time sleeping for weeks. Don’t know what it is, but often I wake around 4-5 am and don’t go back to sleep. Last night I was up about every hour due to leg cramps. I guess I ran around the house too much and didn’t drink enough.
I have actually been toying with the idea of seeing if I can do another Project 365 again. The boys are growing up so fast that I think it is really needed. Hopefully the app that allows me to post from the blog is better then the last time I tried to use it. That is a huge stumbling block for me.
These first 3 videos may seem boring but I was watching Max and I saw so much of his daddy and even his paternal grandfather in them that I had to record it. Max is playing with a K’nex set. He LOVES this set! Plays with it for HOURS.
Max singing for St. Martins day at German School
Nathaniel sleep eating at church